Social Media

7 Ways to Grow on Instagram

Let’s talk about growing your community on Instagram… We’re exploring seven ways to grow your Instagram following and build a thriving community.

Emma Smallwood
March 9, 2023
6 min
7 Ways to Grow on Instagram

If you're starting fresh on Instagram or just trying to build your online presence on the platform... You’re probably wondering how to get more followers. Well, we know just how to do that...

And no, we don’t mean buying followers or using bots. Those tricks might boost your follower count for a short time, but they won’t do you any favors long-term.

That’s because the only truly valuable Instagram followers are real people who care about and engage with your brand.

Check out these 7 steps to growing your Instagram following, organically.


#1 Define Your Niche
One of the most important steps in growing your Instagram following is to define your niche. Your niche is the area of interest or expertise that you will focus on in your content. By narrowing your focus, you will be able to create content that is tailored to your audience and stands out from the crowd.

#2 Optimize Your Profile
Your Instagram profile is the first thing that people will see when they visit your page. It's essential to optimize your profile to make a good first impression. Your profile should include a profile picture that reflects your brand, a bio that tells people who you are and what you do, and a link to your website or other social media profiles.

#3 Set New Goals
Setting goals is an essential part of growing your Instagram following. You should set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals. For example, you might set a goal to increase your following by 10% in the next month or to post at least three times a week.

#4 Keep Your Audience in Mind When Creating Content
When creating content for Instagram, it's essential to keep your audience in mind. Your content should be engaging, relevant, and valuable to your followers. You can use Instagram's analytics tools to learn more about your audience and create content that resonates with them.

#5 Create a Schedule for Posting and Creating Content to Avoid Burnout
Creating a schedule for posting and creating content is essential to avoid burnout. You should set aside time each day or week to create new content and schedule it to post at optimal times. By doing this, you'll be able to consistently post high-quality content without burning out.

#6 Stay Consistent
Consistency is one of the best ways to grow an engaged community on Instagram. You should aim to post regularly, engage with your followers, and respond to comments and messages promptly. By doing this, you'll build trust with your followers, and they'll be more likely to engage with your content.

#7 Leave Room to Be Flexible by Analyzing Your Content and Making Adjustments
Finally, it's important to leave room to be flexible by analyzing your content and making adjustments. You should regularly review your analytics to see which posts are performing well and which ones aren't. By doing this, you can adjust your content strategy to improve engagement and grow your following.

Growing your Instagram following takes time and effort, but by following these seven steps, you can build a thriving community that engages with your content and supports your brand. Remember to define your niche, optimize your profile, set new goals, keep your audience in mind when creating content, create a schedule for posting and creating content, stay consistent, and leave room to be flexible by analyzing your content and making adjustments. Good luck on your Instagram journey!

Check out the Genflow Instagram for more on growing your social media presence!